Amino Acid Blend Injection

Amino Acid Blend Injection


$35.00 60 minutes

Amino acids (also Called “the building blocks of protein”) are natural compounds that combine to form proteins in the body. When proteins are digested and broken down, they leave behind amino acids. Amino acids are crucial in helping the body break down food, repairing body tissue, growing, and preforming many other bodily functions.

Key Benefits

  • Experts have found that amino acid injections are more beneficial than other delivery methods due to the instant results you will receive from them going directly into the bloodstream. Combined with diet and exercise, amino acid injections will help you achieve greater results.Drip City offers an IM injection called Amino Blend that can help achieve these goals. The amino acids within this blend include:
    • Glutamine
    • Arginine
    • Lysine
    • Citrulline
    • Carnitine

    This combination of amino acids may help boost metabolism, boost energy levels, increase endurance, and help to burn calories and fat.

Recommend Dose Intramuscular (IM)

  • 1ml/weekly

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